Many of you have asked in our shops and online, “When’s the Northside going to open?!?”. Soon, dear Commonplacers, soon. The most arduous tasks of permitting have been negotiated, architects have been consulted, and Essig’s crew is IN THE HOUSE. That’s right, the paper had been on the windows, hiding the innards from all. We suppose the contractors do that so that it’s a big surprise when their done. You know, build up the suspense, show off our excellent taste in design all at once, etc. Now the paper is off, so the slow (painful? HurryUpHurryUpHurryUp!) progress can be seen first hand.
For those not down in the Mexican War Streets often, here’s a sneak peak: a couple of shots to hold you over while new sawdust hangs in the air, creating a light fog of anticipation for the coffee soon-to-come.
While we wait: Tell us in the comments below: what drink will your first order at Commonplace in the Mexican War Streets?